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Position Title:
Financial Coach, Financial Opportunity Center (FOC)
Organization and Program Overview
Financial Opportunity Centers (FOC) help low to moderate income families increase earnings,
reduce expenses, and make appropriate financial decisions that lead to asset building through an integrated service model approach. The centers provide individuals and families with services across three critical and interconnected areas: employment services, financial coaching and access to income support.
Position Description
The financial coach provides direct services too low to moderate income individuals who are
enrolled as Financial Opportunity Center Member. Financial coaching involves an ability to
engage and motivate the Member, a strong understanding of personal finances, and the ability to teach that knowledge to others. The financial coach is responsible for assisting the Member in developing plans of action that are intended to help the Member reach their goals and achieve financial stability.
The financial coach is expected to focus on services in a one-on-one coaching format. However, the coach might also conduct classes and workshops on topics such as budgeting, credit building, and banking products.
The financial coach will work with the Employment Specialist and Barrier Support Specialist to
ensure that the Member is getting assistance across these three major service areas. The
financial coach reports directly to the Manager of Employee Development.
• Provide one on one financial coaching
o Teach Member about the value of JobsWork MKE services and engage the
Member in a long-term relationship with JobsWork MKE.
o Assist Member in resolving current financial situations, while providing a wide
lens on their financial health to shift the approach to proactive financial
o Work with Member to complete a very detailed financial assessment.
o Work with the Member to document a budget and provide
strategies for budget improvements.
o Access the Member credit report/score and provide strategies
for credit building.
o Document the Member’s balance sheet and provide strategies
for increasing net worth.
o Develop plans of action and provide tools, resources, and
accountability to the Member to help them meet their goals.
o Understand other services offered by the agency, such as employment support
services, income support coaching and connect the Member to these other
• Outcome tracking—track the stories and successes of programMember.
o Use Salesforce, a Member management system, to document and reflect the
outcome of the Member accurately and in a timely manner.
o Completing Combined Financial Assessment(CFA)for financial coaching
o Working with the entire FOC team to ensure that any changes to the
Member’s CFA (new job, new benefit, change in credit score) is properly
• The financial coach may conduct workshops as a means of outreachand
o The classes may be part of a larger career readiness workshop offered by
the FOC or may be occasional workshops to the public.
o Develop workshop materials or tailor existing materials to meet the needs of
the community.
o Workshop topics should be relevant to the community, and may include
topics such as: budgeting, savings, banking products, credit building, identity
theft, and more.
• Develop relationships with local financial institutions and community
o Work with mainstream financial institutions to understand the needs of the
community so they can provide products and services that fit
o Create a network of referral organizations to help you assist the Member
meet his goals (e.g. local housing coaching agency, legal aid, etc.)
Qualifications for the financial coach position include, but are not limited to:
• A strong understanding of personal finances, particularly in the areas of
budgeting, asset building, and credit building
• A bachelor’s degree from a four-year accreditedinstitution is preferred.
• Previous work experience in the financial sector (banking, lending,
insurance, investments) or an equivalent in work experience is a plus.
• Strong communication skills, both written and oral.
• Previous work experience with the FOC’s target population, and/or the ability to
provide financial coaching services in a culturally sensitive manner. The financial
coach should be able to relate well to our JW MKE team Members and program
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
• Ability and willingness to perform data entry into Salesforce on a regular basis.
• Be resourceful & knowledgeable with various aspects of the Internet.